Neck Lift

A necklift in Beverly Hills can help enhance one's appearance as well as provide a boost to one's self-confidence and self-esteem.

There are many reasons why one would want to enhance the appearance of their neck. Some individuals may possess loose, hanging skin in the neck area and under the jawline. These conditions can present the appearance of a fleshy neck or a turkey neck.

Necklift Procedure

The necklift is a procedure to tighten and better define the jawline and the areas below it. In some instances, this effect can reach all the way down to the collar bones. It is generally included as part of a facelift, but can be performed as a separate, independent procedure, if the face does not need any tightening. The operation may involve liposuction, as well as suture tightening and/or suspension of the neck muscles. The incisions are inconspicuous and are below the chin and behind the ears.

The procedure can be performed under intravenous sedation (twilight sleep) or under general anesthesia. Depending on the deformity to be corrected, excess tissue (muscle, fat or glandular) may need to be removed, and the entire area under the jawline tightened. Overnight drains are occasionally placed depending on the degree of surgical dissection. Finally, a removable chin strap may also be used for several days to further help define the neck and reduce swelling. A necklift is available at the Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery practice of Dr. Stephen J. Pincus.

Contact Our Office Today

If you are considering undergoing a necklift in the Beverly Hills or Los Angeles area, contact Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon Dr. Pincus to schedule a consultation appointment. This visit allows the doctor to examine the current state of your neck region and to explain your options for enhancing its appearance.

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