Facelift Surgery

As we grow older, signs of aging begin to form on our facial appearance. A facelift is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the most visible signs of aging by removing excess fat, tightening underlying muscles and redraping the skin of your face and neck. This does not stop a person's face from aging, but what it can do is restore youthfulness to one's face.

A facelift in Beverly Hills is offered by Dr. Pincus for those seeking a more youthful and healthy facial appearance. Along with a caring staff, Dr. Pincus strives to provide patients with the best care; from the initial consultation through the post-surgery appointments, the patient's satisfaction is number one. Beverly Hills facelift specialist, Dr. Pincus, offers two approaches to the facelift procedure:

  • the midfacelift
  • and the traditional facelift

The Procedure: Mid Facelift and Traditional Facelift

Surgeons use the term "facelift" to describe any procedure on the face that results in a tighter, more youthful appearance. I will discuss the two most recognized approaches: the midfacelift and the "traditional" facelift. The midfacelift is a powerful new way to rejuvenate a person's appearance who is just starting to show signs of aging. Unlike a traditional facelift, which pulls the entire cheek skin and neck skin in an upward and backward fashion to improve sagging jawlines and necks, the midfacelift pulls the area between the lower eyelid and upper lip in a more vertical direction. This serves to soften the fold between the nostril and the corner of the mouth (naso-labial fold) as well as add more fullness to the cheekbone and shorten the aged, elongated lower eyelid. Because the incision is inconspicuously located within the lower eyelid or within the temple, there is no obvious scar.

The traditional facelift, on the other hand, is a powerful procedure for improving the jawline and neck. With some of the more extensive modifications, naso-labial folds and sagging cheek fat can also be repositioned to produce a more youthful contour. The incisions are hidden in the hairline and around the ear and may or may not include a smaller incision under the chin. This latter incision is useful in approaching the anterior neckbands that may need to be modified through cutting, removal or suture tightening.

Facial Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Pincus is board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS). He is also a member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (AAFPRS).

Make Your Consultation Today

Since each person's face is different, the results of a facelift will vary from person to person. Dr. Pincus can explain the details of the various facelift methods along with additional procedures such as rhinoplasty, necklift, eyelid surgery, liplift, and forehead lift, and discuss with you which method will best suit your needs. When combined, these cosmetic surgery procedures can help patients achieve an overall facial rejuvenation to help them regain a more youthful appearance.

If you decide to have a facelift, please contact our office to schedule a consultation appointment. A consultation visit is an important part of every facelift process. Feel free to view our website to learn more about the facelift and other procedures we offer. If there is anything you don't understand about the facelift procedure, contact Beverly Hills facial plastic surgeon Dr. Pincus for more information or to schedule your consultation visit.

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